Everything You Need to Know About DIY Installation Tips for Pool Fence Spigots

Planning to install a pool fence around your backyard oasis? You're making a smart choice not only for safety but also for enhancing the aesthetics of your outdoor space. When it comes to installing a pool fence, spigots play a crucial role in ensuring stability and security. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about DIY installation tips for pool fence spigots.

Understanding Pool Fence Spigots

Before diving into the installation process, let's understand what pool fence spigots are and why they are essential. Spigots are the structural components that secure glass panels in place, forming a sturdy and visually appealing barrier around your pool area. These fixtures come in various materials such as stainless steel, aluminium, or even glass, offering durability and corrosion resistance.

Choosing the Right Spigots for Your Pool Fence

Selecting the appropriate spigots is crucial to ensure the effectiveness and longevity of your pool fence. Consider factors such as material, design, and compatibility with your existing pool fence structure. Stainless steel spigots, known for their strength and resistance to corrosion, are a popular choice among homeowners for their durability and sleek appearance.

Essential Tools and Materials

Before embarking on the installation journey, gather the necessary tools and materials to streamline the process. You'll typically need a drill with the appropriate drill bits, a spirit level, measuring tape, silicone sealant, and of course, the chosen spigots and glass panels. Ensuring you have all the required items beforehand will prevent unnecessary delays and frustrations during the installation.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Step 1: Plan and Measure

Start by carefully planning the layout of your pool fence and measuring the distances between each spigot. Ensure uniform spacing to maintain consistency and aesthetic appeal.

Step 2: Marking and Drilling

Using a pencil and measuring tape, mark the positions for drilling on the surface where the spigots will be installed. Double-check the measurements to avoid errors before drilling pilot holes with the appropriate drill bit size.

Step 3: Install the Base Plates

Attach the base plates to the surface using screws, ensuring they are securely fastened and level. This forms the foundation for mounting the spigots.

Step 4: Mount the Spigots

Carefully place the spigots over the base plates and secure them in place using the provided screws. Use a spirit level to ensure they are perfectly vertical and aligned.

Step 5: Insert Glass Panels

Once the spigots are securely installed, insert the glass panels into the designated slots. Ensure each panel fits snugly and securely within the spigots to prevent any wobbling or instability.

Step 6: Apply Silicone Sealant

To enhance the structural integrity and weather resistance of the installation, apply silicone sealant around the base of each spigot where it meets the surface. This helps to prevent water ingress and ensures a tight seal.

Types of Spigots for Pool Fence Installation

When choosing spigots for your pool fence, you'll encounter different types, each offering unique features and installation methods:

  1. Base Plate Spigot and Cover: This type of spigot is secured to the surface using a base plate, which provides stability and support. The cover adds a finishing touch, concealing the screws and creating a sleek appearance.

  2. Core Drilled Spigot and Cover: Core drilled spigots are installed by drilling directly into the surface, providing a minimalist and seamless look. The cover helps to conceal the drilled hole and adds a polished finish to the installation.
  3. Face Mount Spigot: Face mount spigots are attached to the face of the surface rather than being inserted into it. This type offers versatility in installation and is often preferred for its modern aesthetic and ease of mounting.

Each type of spigot has its advantages and considerations, so choose the one that best fits your aesthetic preferences and practical requirements for your pool fence project.


Installing a pool fence is not just a one-time project but an investment in the longevity of your property. By choosing durable materials and following proper installation techniques, you're ensuring that your pool fence will stand strong for years to come.