Revamping Your Pool Area For This Summer & Beyond

With warmer weather on the horizon and the prospect of easing restrictions getting closer and closer to reality, pool owners across Victoria may be asking themselves: Is the pool area looking a little unappreciated?  

It is common for poorly maintained pools to be congested with leaves and other debris, filled with less than clear pool water, and for pool areas and backyards generally to fall into a slight state of decline after several months of neglect. While simply scooping out the leaves and adding some chemicals is one thing, often, further action is required that goes beyond the confines of your pool walls to get your backyard oasis back to its former glory. 

Luckily, the team here at Affordable Glass Pool Fencing have you covered. Here are a few simple steps to take your backyard pool area to the next level, getting it more than ready for regular use throughout the summer and beyond. 

Revamping your poolside plants

The addition of some poolside plants that require little pruning and love of the sun can be a great way to add a tropical and natural feel to your pool area. For more information regarding the topic of aquatic plant selection, feel free to visit our blog post here, where we explore which plants may best suit pool areas in further detail. 

Cleaning your glass fence or gate

Maintaining a year-round sparkling clean look to your glass fence needn't be an expensive exercise for those who already have a glass fencing solution in their backyard. To learn more about glass fences and gates maintenance, head to our blog post on this topic by clicking the link here

The addition of frameless glass

A frameless glass fence or gate is worth consideration for those homeowners who do not have one in their backyard yet. Glass fencing solutions, in addition to their safety features highly robust and functional nature, are a fantastic way of adding a touch of sophistication and modernity to any backyard set-up. 

The Affordable Glass Pool Fencing team are experts in this area and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have, should you be interested in implementing a frameless glass fence or gate in time for summer this year. Please do not hesitate to contact us today .